A Snowy Thanksgiving

“Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.”

-Robert Frost


Our first big snowstorm in the Northeast ended early Thanksgiving morning, leaving a blanket of pure untouched white snow behind. I’ve never really shot in the snow before because I always thought it wasn’t worth it, or that it was just ugly and boring, and took the landscape for granted. But this morning changed my mind about shooting in the winter entirely. It’s absolutely beautiful and right now I wish that the snow would never melt…until March that is.  🙂

New Hampshire was once again my muse and my mother was my transportation and co-shooter/partner in crime. The first farm shot is from my neighborhood just as we were leaving to go shoot Lake Massabesic, in Auburn, NH (which is where most of these shots are from!). One thing I can say is if your driving ALWAYS pull over and take the shot! It’s always worth it and you have no regrets. 🙂

This shot below was actually from the bottom of our street. We did have to knock a few branches to get out, sorry trees!





This is from a little inlet of the lake. Massabesic is actually a reservoir, so that rules out swimming in the summer, but in the winter there are a couple of ice fishers that head out as soon as the ice is ready. It’s a pretty peaceful place.





A bit of woods on the lake…



Clearing away the clutter in these next two…snowy1-6





A new thing I tried this morning (above) was making more art in the “fine” spectrum, by simply moving my camera a little bit during a longer exposure. I had seen another Arcanum apprentice use this in her critique for her art and thought it was interesting. What do you think?

Speaking of the Arcanum, I’m preparing for my Level 14 critique in the Arcanum (http://thearcanum.com), which means that after this, I only have one more critique before I hit the end of Sphere 1! From where I’ve started to where I’ve come in such a short period of time amazes me. I look back and no joke, I really sucked! This might be a tad weird, but I can hear Rick Sammon’s voice in my head about the levels of competence in photography (and maybe in a more general sense as well): (1) unconscious incompetence, (2) conscious incompetence, (3) conscious competence, and (4) unconscious competence. I came from the unconscious incompetence to somewhere between conscious incompetence and conscious competence (more so on the side of conscious incompetence!).

Look for more snowy scenes next time! (I also just dropped my camera this morning, well my tripod tipped with it on it (because I’m a clutz), but it looks like I might be out one expensive camera! You may just see film shots from me for the rest of the winter haha gotta laugh, otherwise I will cry over the potential death of my beloved Fuji X-E1. Hopefully it’s fixable!)

Waking with the Sun




Yawning and Stretching…



Swinging feet over edge of bed…




and Boom-sha-ka-la-ka! Your Awake! (bonus points to anyone who knows from whom I got the boomhakalaka 😉 ) hint hint: he is famous…and has an inclination towards awesome phrases like that.


And that, ladies and gents, is exactly how the sun gets up in the morning. See, he/she/it is just like the rest of us. 🙂 Only about an uncountable number of degrees hotter.


This is a short post, I never have many words for a sunrise. It always seems to take my words away. I seem to just stare at the scene and feel quiet, peace. Even after the fact when I am sitting at my computer sifting through my raw shots.

I will say that you can see this very sunrise if you get your sleepy self to Drew Lake, NH before dawn. Wear something bright orange if you go during hunting season though!


Wake Up Boston


The Hull-4

Getting up at 5am to see this was sooo worth it, not necessarily because of the pictures (they are only ok…) but for the sight. It’s magical…Sunrises are something we usually miss out on since you have to be crazy to be up that early! but I would like to see more. Me and my x100s took a little walk around the harbor after a BIG coffee and this is what we captured 🙂

The Hull-6

The Hull-11

The Hull-3

The Hull

The Hull-5