Letters from an Analogue Traveler…

Originally written on mollykatephoto.com:


Fearsome Falls

Dear Analogue World, 

Once upon a time (ok about 6 months ago), there was a period where I did not own a digital camera, except for perhaps my iPhone, but let’s get serious here, we all know the iPhone can never replace a real camera, film or digital. 🙂 Soooo, the only camera I had was an automatic Canon Rebel 35mm film camera. I was living in a super cheap apartment at the time, so I could afford the total of $21 or so dollars it cost to buy and develop one roll of film, and that’s the low end of the spectrum with cheap film! 

Now it seems, through some mysterious force (which knocked my tripod over and broke my only fuji lens, there was no wind!), karma? (but I was so good this year! Santa thought so….), I am once again left with only a film camera, my trusty Canon Rebel auto 35mm, until my Fuji is fixed, an expensive bill I am NOT looking forward to paying (bye bye new Fuji lens, sigh). A recent addition to the party is a family Pentax K1000, which was my mothers, entrusted to me to keep…I really have to find where I put that now :/ 

I can’t stop shooting because even without a working digital camera, I still feel the magnetic pull to get outside and shoot, and I dearly love film, just not the cost $$$. My 2nd CPA test is coming up in a couple of weeks and I’ve been going mad sitting inside all the time studying! I caved and spent money I should not have on several rolls of Ektar 100 (I’m really excited to shoot with this!!) and Acros BW which was recommended to me at the store, and being the sucker I am, I decided to try it. 🙂 

I was so excited, I wanted to share some summer shots that I took with Lomography 35mm color film up in the White Mountains. This was on the Falling Waters trail up Mt. Lafayette, which is PERFECT if you absolutely love waterfalls. There are waterfalls galore. Ever have trouble fighting off other photographers for the perfect spot underneath a glorious flow of water? Come to this trail! Waterfalls for everyone! This would be a great place to go on a photowalk! hmmm ideas popping into head…

AND if you keep trekking up the mountain, you will reach Mt. Lafayette and the ridge trail, which is spectacular as well. It is quite definitely my favorite place I have hiked. EVER. We went mid-day but I want, no need, to come back here for a sunset/sunrise shoot. The air is crisp and fresh, the trails are numerous and exciting, and the views are unparalleled in New Hampshire, possibly even the Northeast. Let’s face it Vermonters, New Hampshire will always be superior. hehe (just kidding!)

Well, I cannot wait to share my Ektar and Acros results with you real soon! 

Manually Yours, 

Molly Kate

Lower Cascades

Published by

Molly Kate

Hi there! I am a Boston based photographer who loves to photograph different people, places, and things all across the world. Meeting and learning about other people and cultures enraptures my attention like nothing else and in this I find the joy of life. Connection. Connection with others, with places, with the energy of the world! This is what drives me to photograph, to capture a small piece of my experiences to remember them by and share. Cheers!

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